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Beginilah Hukuman Rotan di Sekolah Seni Mempertahankan Diri

Friday, December 16, 2011 8 ,000,000 terlepas cakap
Salam Hari Jumaat.

Aku nak tanya korang lah, korang penah kena public canning tak? Adakah hukuman tu memberi kesan kepada korang lepas tu? Ok aku nak kongsikan kepada korang hukuman yang sama yang masih dijalankan di sebuah sekolah seni mempertahankan diri di China. Nak taw? JOM!!!

Sekolah yang dimaksudkan adalah sebuah sekolah mempertahankan diri di Henan China. Sekolah ini menggunakan hukuman ini sebagai memberi pengajaran kepada murid yang melakukan kesalahan. Kesalahan mereka adalah sama dan lebih kurang dengan kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh student-student di Malaysia. Apa kesalahan tu? Alaa..hisap rokok, minum alkohol, memonteng, bercakap ketika waktu tido, menggunakan talipon bimbit dan macam-macam lagi.

90% murid yang telah menerima hukuman pula tidak mahu menggunakan tindakan undang-undang kerana khuatir akan kena dengan lebih teruk lagi. Hehehe..Berdasarkan laporan juga, guru-guru disiplin kat sana menggunakan kaedah ini untuk merotan student yang bermasalah
trainers mainly use staffs and hit the students in the buttocks because the buttons have more meat and won’t lead to internal injuries. The school would also gather all students to “kill the chicken to scare the monkey” [make it a warning to others].

Aouchh..aku dulu pun penah kena public canning apa respon guru-guru kat sekolah tu?
“There are many students in the martial arts school, and difficult to manage students are even more. Using verbal discipline doesn’t work most of the time with those who smoke, drink alcohol, or cause mischief. This [using physical punishment] is most direct and effective way, and the most convenient way to manage [discipline]. We too have no choice.”

Kalau perkara ni berlaku kat Malaysia, dah lama rasanya sekolah ni tutup, sebabnya, ibubapa lebih 'bijak' mengajar anak mereka. Bukan setakat anak, guru-guru pun ibubapa boleh 'ajar' hihihi.

Ini pula beberapa respon masyarakat China mengenai perkara ini.

This is still acceptable, and I support it. This is a martial arts school, it’s normal, and these days students should be dealt with this way. You also should take a look at some of the incidents that are coming out of normal schools these days, where 10-year-old students beat others even more brutally than adults do. They’re simply out of control without any discipline. I think those of you who go online everyday should also already know this. Everyone needs to look at this from a different angle in order to see a different conclusion.
Isn’t this our Tagou Martial Arts School, the number one martial arts school, where I was once a student. I’ve also suffered such beatings before, but if you want to learn real martial arts, you can’t fear pain/suffering, and being hit is also a way of developing your potential. If you want to learn martial arts, you mustn’t fear pain/suffering. “Flowers in a greenhouse can’t stand the wind and the rain”. What [martial arts] can someone who can’t stand pain learn?
No biggie. Don’t always drag the law into things. In fact, dutiful sons/children and talented people can also be produced under the stick [through physical discipline]. Although it’s not the only way, it is still necessary. Children nowadays aren’t taught respect anymore, not knowing what should be respected, all spoiled into thinking they are the most important and precious. Those who were born before the 1970s, very few escaped being hit by teachers, but now they are all very grateful towards their corporal punishing teachers!
I believe education for children today should be more integrated! We can’t simply deem beatings/physical punishment bad. I too grew up getting physically disciplined by teachers, and I have never hated my teachers. Now I even think they were not strict enough! I agree with the teacher’s methods as a strict teacher produces good students and this saying is definitely not wrong. But integrating physical discipline and patient instruction is better! They’re/we’re all only children!

akukata : Korang yang baca post ni..Apa pendapat korang dengan hukuman merotan murid yang bermasalah. Perlu atau tidak?

dipetik dari


December 16, 2011 at 7:40 PM

teringat zaman ak skola rndah. ada 2org bdk laki kacau aku. aku mrh smpai nangis skuat2nya dan semakin kuat bila seorng guru yg grng lalu dpan klas kmi. akhirnya 2bdk laki 2 d pkul d punggung guna kayu yg bsar. hohoho..simpati jga tgk tp puas ati pn ada..hahaha

pndapat aku ttg entri ni, kejam jga la dorng ni. tp mngkn lpas pukul ni bole buat bdk2 jd kuat. kan skola seni mmprtahankn diri jga. hehe

December 16, 2011 at 8:09 PM

@~NiZa Maksit~ Punyalah ko kejam.. klu aku jadi tu budak, aku cari ko lepas sekolah..hahaha

December 16, 2011 at 8:14 PM

@Pinung is VizarD mna la ko brani 2..sbb klau ko jd 2 bdk ko akn tkt mau buat slh lg. sbbnya itu cigu yg mmukul 2 bapa bdk 2 sndiri. klau ko jd 2 bdk, 2 cigu jd bapa ko la. hehehe

December 16, 2011 at 8:19 PM

@~NiZa Maksit~ ceh..! ko pakai sihir ni kan..

December 17, 2011 at 12:45 AM

mak ai.... kejam tol! huhu.

December 17, 2011 at 7:00 AM

@Cik Zara Hannan a'ah..mmg kejam, dah mcm hukuman sebat atas kesalahan rogol jew kan..

December 21, 2011 at 3:08 PM

kalau gini la cara nya kena rotan... mau nya masuk hospital aku.. grrr.. bikin takut

May 18, 2012 at 5:28 AM

meh aku pukul punggung ko nak,jadi kuat konon

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